Sunday, November 1, 2009

The day after Halloween....

Means I have to wait 364 more days till Halloween D:


Halloween was okay for me... I didn't go trick-or-treating, but I did go to a party. Very few trick or treaters showed up at my house, which sucked because I knew people would love my costume. I was myself, by which I mean I was a witch, and no, not the kind that gets squished under flying houses from kansas. The real kind. Anyways, I looked great, lol. Through unexplicable party mayhem, my witch hat got a couple holes burned in it. Guess I'll have to go to Dollar Tree to get another one...The kind I really want though is those old ones made out of velvet or leather or whatever. THAT would be awesome.

So it looks like I' be moving at the end of November, because the banks suck and my mom has bank-paperwork-avoidance-syndrome. Grr. Oh well.

Oh, the Halloween event on Gaia was fun, although a I go to because it's a super chat site. Look me up! My two accounts are Spiritiger and Autumn Gracy.

My parakeets are having a love-hate relationship right now...kinda funny, really. One is a baby and one is 7 yeras old, but they're opposite sexes, so I guess they're having problems gettin on the love. heh...

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