Monday, August 31, 2009

So very much in so little time, Dr. Freeman

Okay, so I can't believe I actually did all this since a week and a half ago but I broke up with my boyfriend and told my best friend that I'm breaking off the relationship with my more charmless friend, and she was shocked because she thought it would always be the three of us, but she didn't know about ANYTHING the other friend had been doing to me, and understood why I was doing it after I told her about it. I also renovated my bedroom, which now has a lovely desk and I cleared out my closet which has become a proper witch's closet, broom, hat, cauldron and all. I'm also storing all my art supplies in there, lol. It's a BIG closet. Anyways, I just thought I should update this blog, even if nobody is reading it or anything, because, well, I guess it's more or less of a diary now. It's tons more easier to type crap out than to write it, anyways. Plus I can add pictures!

Oh, I also came up with a great new little side plot for one of my books, but I suppose I should be writing that in my OTHER blog.

I start school again tomorrow, and I guess I'm more or less grudgingly accepting it. I'm really looking foreword to my photography class, and my sculpture class, and also my creative writing class. Sheesh, I took so many electives though that I have no lunch period this year, but my English teacher last year assured us he'd let us eat in the creative writing class that I'm starting tomorrow, so I hope it's towards the middle of the day or else I'm gonna be really hungry. :/

Well, I guess I'll write a whole bunch tomorrow, in which, btw, I'm going to have to confront my -evil- friend, which should be interesting because we'll have tons of classes together. Could be crazy tomorrow. Oh well. Live for today, right?

Later, -Carling

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