Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hello, World

So I've made it through the week alive and tomorrow's friday so I can rejoice. Even though I haven't been getting much work from classes, my schedule is still hectic as all-get-out, so I still come home exhausted. I've been having to take a nap every day after school and that is something I've never ever had to do before, so I think having so little contact in my classes with other people is really draining my energy. *sigh* but enough about me. Oh... wait, no, this is my blog and I'm allowed to rant on here. Nevermind.

Anyways, so Mabon is in 11 days and I'm not even sure what to do about it because I've been passed out like all week and I only just remembered about it now. (lol) No, seriously, like right now, as I was typing this. So... for obvious reasons my little tri-coven won't be getting together, since it was only me, my best friend and my ex-best friend... but I'm definitely going to have a bonfire. With smores. Maybe.

Yeah, that sounds good for now. I'll plan it later. For now, I write!


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